It's a new way to control audio playback!
- Too shy to use voice control on public or it's too noisy around? Double click the volume button to use talking clock! The easiest and fastest way to know the time without taking out your phone!
- Headphones without remote? Want to control device while it is in a pocket? Want to control device with your gloves on wearing? Double click the volume buttons to control playback: repeat, next track, previous track, fast-forward, rewind, play, pause! Do you want another action? - email us!
- Broken volume button? Control volume with the functioning one!
- Use NewControls to listen to podcasts. Repeat last 15 seconds or 40 or 70 or any time interval you want in one double-click.
- Bonus for you - Lullaby and Gentle Alarm. Lullaby - go to sleep with your favorite tale. Gentle Alarm - wake up with your favorite music. Wake up easy with Gentle Alarm!
- Use your iPad as an alarm clock!
- iOS 3.1. You can use talking clock without iOS Voice Control feature on original iPhone or iPod Touch first generation!
Full information. View in App Store.
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