Saturday, December 3, 2011

Gramota App v1.2

Gramota app v1.2 is released.

What's New in Version 1.2
* Bugfixing
* Added "Dictionary of Proper Names" support

Gramota App on FullScreenSoftware site. Gramota App in iTunes Store.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Gramota App v1.1

Gramota app v1.1 is released.

What's New in Version 1.1
* Rate Gramota app ("Credits" screen)
* Bug fixing.

Gramota App on FullScreenSoftware site. Gramota App in iTunes Store.

Friday, September 30, 2011

NewControls app v1.1

NewControls app v1.1 is released.

What's New in Version 1.1
  • 'Talking clock' can tell time every hour.
  • The app can ignore broken button's autoclicks (prevent undesired volume changes).
  • New lullaby mode: "night tale" - the app remembers playback position when lullaby ends, thus next time lullaby will continue from last position.
  • Bug fixing.
NewControls - Alexander Mishagin

Monday, September 5, 2011

Gramota App v1.0

Gramota App v1.0 submitted to Apple. Coming soon! Approved! :-)

Gramota App

Gramota App - Alexander Mishagin

Gramota is a small free app for Russian language learners and for everyone who wants to know how to write a word in Russian. The app supports history and spell-checking with mask ('*' and '?' substitution supported). App displays all information about Russian words: correct pronunciation, stress, cases/conjugations, etymology, meaning. The app uses and sites.

What spelling is correct for a word?
One solid word or two words: 'натощак' or 'на тощак'? Check - 'на*тощак'! Use hyphen or not: 'как-бы' or 'как бы' or 'какбы'? Check - 'как*бы'! What letter should be used: 'приДти' or 'приЙти'? Check - 'при?ти'! What syllables are stressed: 'дОговор' or 'договОр'? Check - 'договор'! What does 'настропалить' mean? Check - 'настропалить'!

    Key features:
  • Spell-check with '*' and '?' substitution. '*' means any number of any characters. '?' means any character. Example: for 'м?л?ко' answer will be 'молоко'.
  • Word pronunciation/stress/cases/conjunctions/etymology/meaning.
  • Expand clippings.
  • History. App stores all checked words/phrases. The base version of app shows 300 latest words/phrases. See also 'In-App Purchase'.
  • Advertisement in 'Clippings' view only, see screenshots. See also 'In-App Purchase'.
  • In-App Purchase: remove advertisement, show all history, additional dictionaries (antonyms, synonyms, dictionary of russian names, dictionary of linguistic terms)
  • iOS 3.1 is supported. iOS 4 tested. iOS 5 beta 7 tested.
See details about app.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

XCode 4 and Localizable.strings issue

It was very annoying issue. XCode doesn't copy Localizable.strings files into app bundle. First time i used workaround: delete Localizable.strings with languages and add to project again, but when i made build for distribution i found out that Localizable.strings files are not copied in app bundle! I tried all possible and impossible combinations: remove from "Copy bundle resources" (Target\Build phases), manually add Localizable.strings into "Copy bundle resources", different "Localization native development region" strings, different place in project hierarchy, different encodings (should be UTF-16), XCode 4.2 beta, XCode 4.0 and other. It was unsuccessful. I have: correct Localizable.strings, correct instruction to copy files in "Copy bundle resources", no warnings in project. I don't have: Localizable.strings files in app bundle.

After 2 days i found solution! It was very simple:
1. goto Target\Build phases
2. click "Add build phase" button and select "Copy files"
3. select "Resources" in "Copy files" phase
4. add Localizable.strings
5. make build for distribution (Project\Archive).
5. check app folder for all Localizable.strings files - PROFIT!


Thursday, August 25, 2011

performSelector: withObject: afterDelay: issue

I have discovered interesting issue today. I have the method for updating some info:
- (void) updateObject {
  // updating code

  // schedule next updating
  [self performSelector:@selector(updateObject) withObject:nil afterDelay:4.0];
I figured out that updateObject is called twice! Second call was made immediately after first call was finished.

Friday, July 22, 2011

NewControls app v1.1

NewControls version 1.1 will be released soon! ;-)

update: there are a lot of promo codes! ask here or email us.

HFS+ compression

Someone might find this useful. Once, I urgently needed free disk space and found a way to get it. I wrote this article after reading posts in MacRumors and MacWorld (both posts were written by brkirch, who used Ars Technica's Snow Leopard review as the basis).

Those who use (or used) Windows with NTFS filesystem, know that one can set "compressed" attribute for a folder (file), so that all the files moved to this folder are compressed by Windows. The files are decompressed automatically when you use them. The fact is that compression and decompression are done in the background unnoticed for the user. Something similar can be done in Mac OS X, though, with some differences: new files in the compressed folder won’t be archived automatically (there are a number of commercial programs that will do it for you, for example Clusters from LateNiteSoft (its former name is Squeeze) or HDCleanUp) and some files larger than 20MB could not be archived. I did my best to sound as simple and comprehensible as possible.

Monday, July 18, 2011

NewControls app v1.0

It's a new way to control audio playback!
  • Too shy to use voice control on public or it's too noisy around? Double click the volume button to use talking clock! The easiest and fastest way to know the time without taking out your phone!
  • Headphones without remote? Want to control device while it is in a pocket? Want to control device with your gloves on wearing? Double click the volume buttons to control playback: repeat, next track, previous track, fast-forward, rewind, play, pause! Do you want another action? - email us!
  • Broken volume button? Control volume with the functioning one!
  • Use NewControls to listen to podcasts. Repeat last 15 seconds or 40 or 70 or any time interval you want in one double-click.
  • Bonus for you - Lullaby and Gentle Alarm. Lullaby - go to sleep with your favorite tale. Gentle Alarm - wake up with your favorite music. Wake up easy with Gentle Alarm!
  • Use your iPad as an alarm clock!
  • iOS 3.1. You can use talking clock without iOS Voice Control feature on original iPhone or iPod Touch first generation!

Full information. View in App Store.